Ministar znanosti i obrazovanja Radovan Fuchs potvrdio je da će se tijekom školskih praznika raditi na tehničkim rješenjima za povećanje sigurnosti, poput zamjene brava na školskim vratima kako bi se spriječilo njihovo otvaranje izvana
The main idea of the text is that a polling station in Oš Prečko has been closed and voters will be redirected to a different school to cast their ballots on Sunday.
The text mentions "Več" as the source, which is a Croatian news website. The hashtags suggest the news relates to an upcoming election, possibly the 2024 presidential election in Croatia.
The main idea of the text is that a polling station in Oš Prečko has been closed and voters will be redirected to a different school to cast their ballots on Sunday. The text mentions "Več" as the source, which is a Croatian news website. The hashtags suggest the news relates to an upcoming election, possibly the 2024 presidential election in Croatia.